視《GTA4》為無物——《WII FIT》搶占英國銷量排行榜首位 2008 is shaping up to be a very healthy year indeed for Nintendo. The company recently announced record financial results, and saw Mario Kart Wii race to the top of the charts after its recent European release. Today, Nintendo has seen its latest product, Wii Fit, not just hit the top of the UK's all formats sales chart, but also become the sixth-fastest-selling games debut ever in the country. 2008年正在成為任天堂的健康年。這家公司最近公佈了財政成果,其中馬里奧卡丁車WII在歐洲剛剛發行以後沖在了名單的第一的位置。今天,任天堂注意到它最新的產品,WII FIT,不僅僅是英國所有銷量排行榜的首位,也成為了這個國家第六位銷售最快的遊戲。 Wii Fit is the latest extension of Nintendo's strategy to target the mass market, following DS titles such as Brain Training (Brain Age in the US) and Sight Training (Flash Focus in the US). Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto told The Sunday Times recently that , "People say video games are a waste of time and are bad for your brain and for your health. We wanted to create something to answer that." Wii Fit, using the included new balance board peripheral, tracks each player's weight, and provides a multitude of activities designed to be a part of a daily exercise regime. WII FIT是任天堂鎖定這個大規模市場之戰略的最新延伸,就像NDS遊戲的命名一樣,如《腦力鍛煉》和《眼力鍛煉》。馬里奧的創造者宮本茂最近告訴《星期日泰 晤士報》,“人們說視頻遊戲都是浪費時間,而且還對你的大腦和健康有害。我們曾想創造一些東西來應對這種評論。”WII FIT,這一最新的平衡板外設,跟踪每個玩家的體重,還提供眾多被設計成日常鍛煉體系的活動。 Despite the hype surrounding the release of Grand Theft Auto IV for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 today, Wii Fit has racked up impressive sales in the four days since its UK release. According to UK sales body Chart-Track, Wii Fit was bought by 10 percent of Wii owners, and accounted for over half of the Wii software sold in the past week. Its UK takings of £16.3 million make it the third largest game launch by value--behind only Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in 2004 and Halo 3 last year. Whether Wii Fit can hold on to the top spot in the face of GTAIV will be revealed in next week's chart. 全然不理會PS3和XBOX360上《俠盜飛車4》的鋪天蓋地的廣告,WII FIT已經在它在英國發售後的四天里以令人印象深刻的成績獲勝了。根據英國Chart-Track的銷量統計,WII FIT已經被10%的WII玩家購買了,還被統計到佔據了上週WII軟件銷量的一大半。 1630萬英鎊的收入使它成為英國第三高市值的遊戲——僅僅排在2004年的《俠盜飛車:聖安地列斯》和去年的《光暈3》之後。 WII FIT在面對《俠盜飛車4》後是否能夠繼續保持第一的位置,將在下週的排行榜揭曉。 | ||
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視《GTA4》為無物——《WII FIT》搶占英國銷量排行榜首位
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